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2021-22 年度报告 | Letter from the 校长


As we prepare for warmer weather and dethaw from the winter months, 这让我想起了2021-22学年,我们的教师需要“解冻”, 在经历了两年的“COVID冻结”之后,教职员工和学生们将恢复正常的社会实践.”

在我们的领导下,“解冻”是一个有条不紊、小心翼翼的过程,结果是——在许多其他事情中——我们社区的安全和我们举办面对面活动的能力. 我很高兴能回到我最喜欢的韦德娱乐app下载地址标志性活动中,我曾经错过了这些活动,有时似乎是永恒的. 我们在高年级的校董会年度晚宴上向他们致敬, celebrated the return of travel at our Around the World: An Evening of Adventure auction which broke fundraising records for that event, and welcomed alumni back to Solebury for their 2022 Reunion Weekend. 我永远感谢我们社区坚定不移的努力,他们帮助我们在索伯里历史上一个独特的时期茁壮成长. 

The 2021-22 school year had a common theme: change. This past year saw changes in the way we operate, 教师和员工的变化, and changes to the physical appearance of our campus. You may wonder why so much change? Part of that change was a return to pre-pandemic practices described above, 对于那些只在大流行时期才知道索伯里的学生来说,感觉非常不同. 但答案也在于我们的战略增长和我们努力实现的目标. 这些变化(虽然有时令人不舒服)将帮助索伯里学校达到新的高度. 未来是非常光明的!     

没有什么是永恒的——可悲的是,即使是我们一些最杰出的教职员工的职业生涯也是如此. At the end of the 2021-22 school year we had to say goodbye to a few of our finest. Cinnie Wappel, longtime Director of our 英语作为第二语言 Program, 在为索伯里学校奉献了30年之后,我决定是时候开始新的人生篇章了. Sadly (for 韦德娱乐app下载地址) Cinnie wasn’t the only one to retire; she was joined by Annette Miller. 作为学生主任, 安妮特通过为成千上万的人提供无限的指导和智慧,影响了几代索雷布里亚人. 除了她的学生, 安妮特也总是非常乐意以任何方式帮助她的同事. 加入Cinnie和Annette退休的是长期教员Diane Downs, P'03 '08 '09. A lot of collective wisdom and history departed Solebury in that moment. I, along with 韦德娱乐app下载地址社区, 我已经很想念他们了,但知道他们正在享受人生的下一个篇章,我感到很欣慰. 

After nearly 40 years and 500+ wins, Boys Basketball Coach (and 韦德娱乐app下载地址 legend) Cleve Christie retired. 我非常相信运动的力量,相信它可以教会我们人生的教训. No one has had a larger role in my development of this belief than Cleve. Throughout his decorated tenure with 韦德娱乐app下载地址, he has racked up plenty of wins and accolades, but nothing stands out more to me than the young men he has helped develop. 在他的职业生涯中, 99% of Coach Christie’s players have gone on to four-year colleges, some as players—but all as dedicated learners. 这说明了一切. I know I speak for our current and past 教师 and 工作人员, 学生, 父母, alumni and alumni 父母 when I say (as emphatically as possible), 谢谢教练!”       

The theme of change persists as I report that construction on Hope Hall, our first new construction on campus since 2007, began at the end of the 2021-22 year. 这个宿舍将作为一个32个床位/ 4个公寓的生活空间,并有望在2023年秋季开放. 这个新大厅, in conjunction with our other efforts, 这使得我们的寄宿生人数超过了之前131人的最高记录. What is really exciting is that this dormitory continues Solebury’s commitment to 可持续性 并且正在按照被动式房屋标准建造,旨在尽可能节能. 我们的设计最近被Phius认证为符合被动式房屋的要求, 当完成, 希望大厅将是宾夕法尼亚州首批被认证为被动式房屋结构的宿舍之一. 与我们的发展和可持续发展愿景一致的是,我们即将完工的膜生物反应器水处理厂. Using membrane bioreactor technology, 新的污水处理厂除了被纳入我们的科学课程外,还将支持索伯里的未来发展. 

The 2021-22 school year was especially notable from a fundraising perspective. As you will learn as you read this annual report, the auction raised the most money in its history, 总共超过262美元,000. The most moving moment of the night came during the event’s special appeal, which saw our community come together and pledge more than $170,为支持我们的 塑造Solebury 资本运动. 韦德娱乐app下载地址基金, which supports our operating budget, 也有一个历史性的一年, 超过487美元,000. 我们之所以能够取得如此高水平的成功,很大程度上要归功于我们的年度捐赠日, # LoveSolebury. 2021年12月8日, 我们筹集了超过147美元,000 from 302 generous donors in support of the Solebury Fund. 一整天, 完成了7项挑战和10场比赛,这有助于激励捐赠者参与并最大限度地发挥其捐赠的影响. The support we received is truly humbling and is a testament to you, 韦德娱乐app下载地址社区, who make everything we do here possible. As you comb through this report and review our progress, please keep it front and center in your mind that you, 以及其他的支持者, are essential in making our goals a reality. 

So, 而我对社区的感激之情永远无法表达, 我将试着. 感谢您所做的一切,使索伯里学校成为独一无二的充满活力的学习体验,包容并欢迎所有寻求它的人. 

菲利普斯磨坊和学校巷的拐角处确实是一个美妙的地方,我很幸运地称之为家. It is my pleasure to share in the accomplishments of our 学生, 教师, 同时有机会建立将持续一生的关系. 我是多么幸运啊? 

